Thank you to everyone who contributed pieces of writing. I am in the process of putting together physical and digital versions of the leaflet and hope to have them ready to publish by the end of February. Check back for details of where these will be available.
Writing, Reading, Randomness
22 January 2025
15 November 2024
Valley Park Creative Trail
Being Part of Something
I love where I live but when I tried to find out more about the area, I realised there was little information about the recent history of the place. In an attempt to put that right and to celebrate the distinct special area of Valley Park, Chandler's Ford, I would like those who live there to help in producing a ‘Creative Trail’. This would take the form of a leaflet with a map, numbered points, information and, most importantly, short, creative responses to locations within Valley Park.
Although known for a large, fairly recent housing development, the homes of around 6000 residents have been established between areas of ancient woodland, with a river and railway line along one edge. There are plenty of natural and man-made features within the area to explore!
As well as a writer and local resident, I am a postgrad student of Creative Writing at the University of Winchester, and the project forms part of a community writing module. As a result, the timeframe is quite tight and anyone submitting work is required to sign a consent form.
I am inviting members of the Valley Park community to respond to a series of location-specific writing prompts. This will lead to the creation of a physical leaflet available locally, as well as a digital version hosted on a community website. The aim is to encourage people to become more engaged with the built and natural features of the area.
All the information needed to take part can be sent directly via email. Contact me at with questions or to request the prompts, project information and consent forms.
Everything you need to know is also available on this blog (click on Valley Park Trail on menu bar above). I am happy to offer support with any aspect of writing for the project. Please just get in touch.
13 February 2020
Love...For Libraries
16 May 2018
Four Things You Should Know About Libraries
- Libraries are full of
stories in a whole range of formats that you can borrow, so go to your
local library and borrow stuff. Especially stuff written by writers you
love. Even if you already own those books or have read them before. You
don’t actually have to read them, they can just sit in your car or your understairs
cupboard until you return them if you like, but the fact that you’ve taken
them out on your ticket will register a loan for the author which will
earn them a Public Lending Right (PLR) royalty. It will also help the Library
Service. Use it or lose it!
- Most Library Services
offer a free ebook/eaudiobook service. You just have to download the specified
app to your device and register with your library card to get started.
Then you can download ebooks or eaudiobooks via the app. This takes even
less time and effort than visiting the library yourself. After years of
campaigning by the Society of Authors, the law was changed at the end of
2017 so that ebook and eaudiobook loans now earn PLR royalties too. (Edited: This should have happened at start of 2018 but was put on hold and should now take effect on 1st July 2018. Ebook loans is a huge growth area with an increase of 38% in 2017). Again,
it doesn’t matter if you don’t even read/listen to the book! (Although it's great if you do.)
- If the library doesn’t stock a book you
love, you can suggest they buy it – either physically or as an ebook.
Speak to library staff or find the relevant link on the website to make a
recommendation. You won’t always get what you want, but if you don’t ask you don’t get.
- Libraries are almost
always happy to accept donations of new or good quality second hand recent
books. You can donate copies of your own or friends’ books if the library
doesn’t have any/many. (Tip: if you are donating books you have written, tell
them you are a Local Author!) Libraries buy lots of new titles every year
but they can’t buy everything. If you donate something they don’t have and
it proves popular, they will almost certainly buy more copies.