Valley Park Trail

Valley Park Creative Trail

Update 22 January 2025

Thank you to everyone who has contacted me about the project and submitted pieces of writing. I will be putting the leaflet together over the next few weeks with an aim of having it complete by the end of February. Valley Park Parish Council have offered to host a digital version of the trail on their website and I hope to be have physical copies available locally. 

I have left information about the project below if you missed it and are interested to know more.

Project Information Sheet


Project titleValley Park Creative Trail


Researcher: Lorraine Cooke


I am a postgraduate student at the University of Winchester, conducting a community writing project. Please read the information below and ask questions if you would like to know more about this project before participating. If you are happy to participate you will be asked to sign a consent form.


What is the project about? The project gives the opportunity for members of the community to help create a trail to explore and appreciate the history and the natural environment of Valley Park. The aim is to generate interest in and share knowledge about our special area.


Why have I been asked to participate? You live in or have connections with Valley Park. I am hoping you would like to share memories and creative reflections about this distinctive area with others. 


What will I be asked to do? You will produce short pieces of creative writing in response to prompts about locations within Valley Park. I will supply the prompts and you can complete one or more independently. I will also be running guided sessions which you may choose to attend. All the information you need will be supplied. Your writing may be published (alongside your name, with a pseudonym or anonymously) in a physical or digital leaflet that will also provide information about the area and encourage visitors and residents to learn about and engage with the area. 


Are there any benefits in my taking part? It will allow you to share your creative responses about the area you live in, creating interest and enjoyment for others. You will be able to see your work in print online and/or in a printed leaflet. 


Are there any risks involved? No. Your participation is completely voluntary and your writing can be anonymous or published under a pseudonym if you prefer.


What should I do if I want to take part? Contact the researcher (details at bottom of page).


What happens if I change my mind? You have the right to withdraw anything you submit up to 10 January 2025. Your information and submissions will then be destroyed.


What will happen to the results of the project? The aim is to publish a physical and digital version of the Valley Park Creative Trail by February 2025. Any personal details you supply will be kept securely and destroyed no later than 31 December 2025.


Where can I get more information?





Project title: Valley Park Creative Trail


Facilitator: Lorraine Cooke


Please initial the box(es) if you agree with the statement(s):         


I have read and understood the Project Information Sheet and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the project.


I agree to take part in this project and participate in writing about locations within Valley Park.


I am over 18.


I understand that my writing may be used for the creation of a physical or digital leaflet titled Valley Park Creative Trail. I agree that my writing can be edited by the facilitator (e.g. for spelling or punctuation). 


I am happy for my work to be credited with my: full name/first name only/chosen pseudonym/as anonymous (please delete as appropriate).


I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw for any reason (by 10 January 2025).


I understand my contributions to the Valley Park Creative Trail will be used for the purposes of creating physical and/or digital versions of a leaflet. This will be made available to the general public as a hard copy and/or online. I will retain all copyrights to my work.


I understand that my contributions may be referenced within the context of the university assignment but not for monetary reason.




Name of participant: ………………………………………………………………………


Pseudonym (if appropriate): .........................................................................................


Signature of participant: ……………………………………………………………………






Contact email: 

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